Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects both the skin and joints. As an autoimmune disease, it not only causes pain and stiffness but also impacts overall quality of life. Over the years, advances in medical research have led to innovative treatments aimed at better managing the symptoms and progression of PsA. Here’s a look at what’s new in the treatment landscape for psoriatic arthritis in 2024.

Advances in Biologic Therapies for Psoriatic Arthritis 

Biologic therapies and drugs for PsA are becoming more and more advanced, leading to better outcomes for patients, more effective symptom relief, and fewer unwanted side effects. Let’s take a look at a few innovative treatments that are becoming more and more common. 

Dual-Target Biologics to Treat PsA

Dual-target biologics simultaneously inhibit two inflammatory pathways, providing more comprehensive control of PsA. For instance, drugs targeting both interleukin-17 (IL-17) and interleukin-23 (IL-23) have shown promising results in clinical trials. By blocking these two pathways, dual-target biologics can reduce joint inflammation more effectively than traditional single-target treatments.

Personalized Biologic Therapy for PsA Patients 

We’re not all the same, so why should our PsA treatments be? Genetic profiling and biomarkers are now being used to tailor therapies to individual patients. This approach not only enhances the effectiveness of the treatment but also minimizes unwanted side effects. 

Novel Small Molecules to Treat Psoriatic Arthritis 

Another area of research is small molecules, with several options becoming available recently. Some of the most promising candidates are JAK inhibitors and TYK2 inhibitors, which we’ll discuss next. 

JAK Inhibitors as an Innovative PsA Treatment

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors continue to be a focal point of PsA research. These small molecules interfere with the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, which plays a crucial role in the immune response and inflammation. Newer JAK inhibitors offer an oral alternative to injectable biologics, making them more convenient and less painful for patients.

Using TYK2 Inhibitors to Treat PsA

A newer class of small molecules, TYK2 inhibitors, has also gained attention. TYK2 (tyrosine kinase 2) is involved in the signaling of multiple cytokines implicated in PsA. TYK2 inhibitors can reduce both joint and skin symptoms, with fewer side effects compared to older treatments. 

Doctor doing stem cell therapy injection on a patient's knee for treatment of arthritis.

Advances in Non-Pharmacological Treatments for PsA

As well as new drugs and medicines, we’re also learning more about PsA and how lifestyle, diet, and other factors can impact disease progression. Here’s a glimpse into some of the PsA research focuses beyond drugs and pharmacologics. 

Microbiome-Based Therapies for Psoriatic Arthritis 

Emerging research has highlighted the role of the gut microbiome in autoimmune diseases, including PsA. Microbiome-based therapies are making their way into clinical practice, aiming to restore a healthy balance of gut bacteria, thereby modulating the immune response and reducing inflammation. Probiotics, prebiotics, and even fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) are being explored as potential treatments for PsA.

Gene Editing and Stem Cell Therapy as Future PsA Treatments 

Gene editing technologies like CRISPR and stem cell therapies hold potential for curing or significantly altering the course of PsA. While still in the experimental stages, these treatments aim to correct the underlying genetic and immunological defects that cause PsA. Clinical trials are expected to shed more light on the feasibility and safety of these cutting-edge approaches.

Discuss Your Treatment Options With Our Rheumatologists Today

There are lots of different options when it comes to finding the right treatment for your PsA symptoms, and it’s important to work with a rheumatologist to develop a personalized treatment plan that works for you. 

At Advanced Rheumatology of Houston, our board-certified rheumatologists can ensure your symptoms are being treated in the most effective and safe ways possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and finally find relief from your PsA symptoms.