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How Do Bacteria Drive RA Development?

How Do Bacteria Drive RA Development?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic autoimmune disorder affecting joints, remains a puzzle for medical researchers seeking to comprehend its intricate origins. Recent investigations have turned the spotlight toward an unexpected player in the development of RA –...

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How does a kidney transplant help lupus patients?

How does a kidney transplant help lupus patients?

Lupus, a complex autoimmune disease, can affect multiple organs in the body, including the kidneys. For some people battling severe lupus-related kidney complications, a kidney transplant becomes essential.  In this article, we’ll explain the relationship between...

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What Causes Sciatica to Flare Up?

What Causes Sciatica to Flare Up?

Sciatica, characterized by sharp, shooting pain along the sciatic nerve, can bring life to a standstill when it flares up. Understanding the triggers behind these episodes is crucial for managing your symptoms and the pain that comes with this condition. In this...

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The Importance of Early Detection in Rheumatic Diseases

The Importance of Early Detection in Rheumatic Diseases

You may first start to feel pain and stiffness in your joints, or your fingers begin to swell. At that point, you may be tempted to pass it off as just another sign of getting older.  However, aches and pains do not have to be a by-product of aging. You do have...

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