Advanced Rheumatology of Houston’s Spring TX Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr treatment can help you live with the condition in a comfortable manner. Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a disabling disease. There have been recent developments in treatment that provide better outcomes for victims of the disease.
RA is the most common type of autoimmune arthritis. The condition is caused when the immune system attacks the body’s healthy tissues. Normally, the immune system targets bacteria and viruses inside a person’s body.
Even more, this condition leads to the immune system targeting the body’s own tissues with inflammation. This, in turn, causes irreversible damage. When the joints are subject to the immune system’s attack, they begin to swell and cause pain for patients. People between the ages of 30 and 50 are the most susceptible to the condition.

Spring TX Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, and its long term effects make the patients have to learn how to live with the condition. There is a variety of symptoms that patients may or may not experience. Primarily, the symptoms will show up in minor joints, such as hands and feet. Additionally, RA can even focus on the eyes, skin, and organs.
Here’s a list of the RA symptoms you may experience:
- Joint pain, stiffness, swelling
- A decrease in the flexibility of joints
- Waking up with extreme stiffness
- Deficiency of energy
- Slight fevers
- Appetite detriment
- Fish lumps around elbows and hands
- Dry eyes and mouth
Signs vary considerably case by case. Rheumatoid arthritis cases vary in terms of intensity. Furthermore, rheumatoid nodules are potentially the lumps that patients develop. The lumps will appear beneath the skin and only affect about a quarter of people with RA. In some cases, viral infections may appear as rheumatoid arthritis, but you should have them checked out to identify what is actually causing these symptoms.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but the methods of addressing the symptoms have reached great lengths. Therapy can significantly improve the state of joints. Therapy, coupled with medication, can help patients live a more comfortable life. Of course, as cases differ in the circumstances, the treatment plans will vary for each case as well.
Research Studies
The research studies we perform are meant to help in terms of advancing the treatment of this severe disease. RA is the most common form of autoimmune arthritis. As a matter of fact, 1.3 million Americans experience the effects of this terrible condition. Bodies suffering from this condition actually have their immune system attack healthy tissues.
Moreover, the targeted tissues experience inflammation, and for RA cases, another targeted group is the joints. For the most part, RA primarily targets minor joints, such as hands and feet. However, it is capable of affecting organs. Women between the ages of 20 and 50 are the primary demographic with the condition.
Overall, Rheumatoid arthritis is commonly known to be a disabling condition, although recent treatments have made life with the disease much more comfortable. Although there still isn’t a cure for rheumatoid arthritis, the treatment methods currently available are mostly targeted towards the patients’ symptoms.

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With that being said, there are research studies analyzing the effects of investigational drugs. The studies performed here are done so in order to see if patients react to the medication is a positive manner.
The contRAst Program
One of these research studies is the contRAst Program. This study looks at new drugs that will, if effective, will considerably slow down rheumatoid in adults. This program is composed of three different studies for RA patients. The three components are the contRast- Study, contRAst-2 Study, and contRAst-3 Study.
- The contRAst- 1 Study will involve 1500 to 1700 people
- The contRast- 2 Study will involve 1500 to 1800 people
- There are only an estimated 600 participants in the contRAst-3 Study
Moreover, research study participants will have a chance at being part of it for the long-term. If you wish to participate, there is a list of specific criteria that you must meet to be a part of the study. The most basic requirements are that patients must be at least 18 years old and have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
Patients who are interested in the contRAst Program should visit our research studies webpage to learn more about what they need to be a part of the study group. Those who qualify could potentially receive top-quality medication and care services from their local doctor at no cost at all. For patients who qualify but don’t have access to transportation to and from the study center, our concierge travel service could very well be an option.
About Advanced Rheumatology of Houston
For more than ten years, Dr. Brionez has dedicated her time and energy to helping those with rheumatologic conditions. Some of the conditions that we have diagnosed and treated are rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, gout, and scleroderma.
Dr.Brionez completed her undergraduate studies at Texas A&M University, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences. Afterward, she attended Baylor College of Medicine, where she studied for and completed her Doctor of Medicine. She’s also completed a fellowship in Rheumatology at the University of Texas Health Science Center.

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In 2007, Dr. Brionez obtained board-certification in internal medicine, and she then became board-certified in rheumatology in 2009. She’s been in practice ever since. As an experienced and professional rheumatologist, Dr. Brionez truly cares about her patients and uses the most effective and trusted methods around.
As mentioned, our clinic also acts as a research center for the development of better treatment methods. Patients with specific cases can take part in the research studies and help find better options for these types of complex illnesses.
Contact Our Spring TX Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr
If interested in our services, get in touch with our Spring TX Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr today. Our clinic offers comfort and relief for those suffering from rheumatology conditions such as psoriatic arthritis and other diseases of the joints. Dr. Brionez uses the latest techniques and modern treatment methods. Don’t take the risk of waiting for the symptoms to clear up. Instead, contact Advanced Rheumatology of Houston here.
You can reach us by calling (281) 766-7886. Moreover, you can also visit our research studies or our services webpages to learn more about how we can help you. When in need of a Spring TX Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr, you can count on Advanced Rheumatology of Houston.
Spring TX Fun Facts
- Home to three public school districts – Conroe, Klein, and Spring School Districts
- There are no zoning laws in Spring – increasing the importance of subdivision deed restrictions
- Located in two counties – Harris County and Montgomery County
- Learn more about Spring here