Spring TX lupus specialist

Spring TX lupus specialist

Spring TX lupus specialist

Are you searching for a Spring TX lupus specialist? If you are, then you are probably dealing with some challenging symptoms. Advanced Rheumatology of Houston has everything you need to help you through this difficult time.

Their doctors understand the complexities of lupus and are there to provide medical treatments that will bring it into remission. The medical advice they provide will help you to live a healthy life despite your autoimmune disease.

Lupus is a nickname for systemic lupus erythematosus that is an autoimmune disease causing systemic inflammation of the organs. This disease can start in women around the start of puberty and can have a significant impact on their lives.

The cause of lupus is unknown. However, with advancements in treatment, doctors have become more effective at increasing the lifespan of those with lupus and improving quality of life.

This autoimmune disorder is known to attack the joints and healthy tissues of vital organs. More severe cases of lupus affect the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys.

About twenty percent of patients with lupus are children and teens. Sometimes lupus can happen in children under five and is known as childhood-onset SLE. However, this form of lupus is rare.

If you are struggling with lupus, you are probably facing a variety of symptoms. Seeing a Spring TX lupus specialist is a way that you can help limit the effect of lupus in your daily life. Here are some of the symptoms you may experience and some of the possible treatments your doctor might have for you.

Many Symptoms of Lupus

Since lupus has many symptoms and varies from person to person, it can often be difficult to diagnose. Many deals with symptoms that aren’t specific to lupus which include:

  • poor circulation in extremities
  • heartburn
  • fever
  • fatigue
  • blood clots
  • hair loss
  • stomach pain
  • weight loss

Lupus is known for having flare-ups from time to time. Some of these flare-ups can begin during puberty, and some happen during pregnancy. When flare-ups occur during pregnancy, it can cause complications and even miscarriages.

While the symptoms of lupus can vary from person to person, The American College of Rheumatology has a list of symptoms. This list is used as the guide to diagnosing lupus. Here are some of those symptoms:


Different types of rashes appear when dealing with lupus. The first kind is called a malar rash. It appears as a butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks of the face. Another rash that can appear is called a discoid rash, and it shows up as red, raised oval/round patches. The final rash is one that appears because of sun exposure.

Mouth Sores

These sores don’t have to be just in the mouth. They can be in the mouth or the nose and last a few days or can last an entire month.


This is categorized as two or more joints swelling or having tenderness. The swelling and tenderness of the joints can last for a few weeks. If you are dealing with any type of arthritis, whether it is rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, the Advanced Rheumatology of Houston can help. They are great about treating arthritis in patients.

Lung or Heart Inflammation

This is inflammation of the heart, which is called pericarditis or the lungs, which are called pleurisy or pleuritis. The inflammation causes chest pain when you breathe deeply.

Kidney Problems

This is recognized when tests come back and show poor kidney function. Or when there is blood or protein in the urine.

Neurologic Problems

These problems can appear as strokes, seizures, or psychosis, which is a mental health disorder.

Abnormal Blood Tests

When you have abnormal blood tests, this can be classified as anemia, low white blood cell counts, or low platelets. You could also have positive antinuclear antibodies that cause the immune system to attack itself. These are present in nearly all SLE patients. You could also face other abnormalities, which include anti-double-strand DNA, antiphospholipid antibodies, or anti-Smith.

Spring TX lupus specialist

Living with lupus doesn’t have to be complicated.

The disease often has active moments, followed by moments where the disease is quiet. When the condition is quiet is known as remission. Lupus is also known for its flare-ups, which can range from mild to severe.

It can be hard to diagnose with a variety of symptoms and often requires a blood test. The most important blood test to diagnose lupus is an ANA. To get a proper diagnosis it is important to find a Spring TX lupus specialist.

Discussing Treatment

Lupus is a chronic illness meaning that there is no cure for it at this time. While it is chronic, it also has medical treatments that allow those struggling with lupus to live normal lives. With the advancements in treatment, those with lupus can now live long, happy lives. The goal of treating lupus is to prevent permanent organ damage by keeping it in remission.

Many medications can help treat lupus. These medications are:

  •  NSAIDs
  • Benlysta
  • Corticosteroids and immune suppressants
  • Plaquenil

When talking with your doctor about the treatment, they will work to find a treatment plan that will work best for your symptoms. There are risks and benefits when taking medications, and your doctor will know the best way to limit side effects while still controlling lupus.

Living With Lupus

It can be scary to realize that you or someone you love has a chronic illness. While coping with this unpredictable illness, it is important to have a good support system. Make sure to surround yourself with a good team of doctors, friends, and family.

Also, remember that many people live perfectly healthy lives with lupus. Study the illness and learn about the treatments; that way, you can know what to expect.

Those with lupus are also living longer, which means that you don’t have to miss out on anything. Make sure to follow everything that the doctor has prescribed and visited often. When you visit the doctor regularly, then they can keep track of your illness and change treatment as needed.

Spring TX lupus specialist

Live the life you want.

While it can seem counter-intuitive, it is essential to exercise regularly.  Exercise will help keep your joints flexible and prevent stroke and heart disease.

Lupus is known to flare up in the sunlight. So, whenever there is a sunny day, always wear protective clothing and lots of sunscreens.

The Best Spring TX lupus specialist

Contact Advanced Rheumatology of Houston today at (281) 766-7886. Or check out their other services and location. Dr. Brionez is the best at what she does. She cares about her patients and their health. Set up an appointment with her to know what can be done to get your life back to how you like it. Allow Advanced Rheumatology to be your Spring TX lupus specialist.

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